Happy Friday everyone, I thought I would join in on the fill in the blanks Friday again this week. It is very thought proving i would recommend it to anyone!
See what you think about my answers and think about what you would say.....
1. If I could medal in an Olympic event it would be : Gymnastics, the one when they dance around on the floor, preferably with a ribbon!! I love the way they always finish each move with there arms in the air and their chest puffed out, so proud of themselves, its like they have won already!!!!
2. If I was stranded on a deserted island I'd take: My blackberry, i could call for help, or use my sat nav to find out where i am, use the Internet and many social networks to pass the time, and document my time on the island to later sell as a book and become a best selling millionaire!
3.Being a passenger in a car!!! (Control issues perhaps?) :Is my most irrational fear.
4. I'd rather Go Hungry everyday, than Eat baked beans and fish fingers everyday.
5. I am : Very very very exited about Christmas!!!!
6. I should really be : Healthier and do more exercise especially with Christmas on its way!!! And with the way my body aches like i have been beaten repeatedly with a stick, after just one yoga session, i think i may have a problem?
7. One of my favorite things in all the world is : Hugging, big giant bear hugs, it makes everything better and fits all occasions, happy, sad, tired, exited it is always the right time for a giant man hug from my man!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
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